Get Extents of a Feature

Get extents of a feature, allows user to get boundary extents of a single feature.  Here a feature can be a Region, City, District, Street or a Zipcode.  This will allow users to zoom to a particular feature by its extents.  You can decide to use Json or XML as an output format.


You must use an access token to make an authenticated call to our system. Access token are generated based on your subscription type. To get your access token please refer to “Your Subscriptions” section available on profile page.

Limits for calls to API

Our system doesn’t apply any limits on number of requests you can make for a particular API. But there are limits defined for total number of calls you can make per min and in one week. Please reference the list below for limits applied

  • Starter Package - Subscribers will be able to execute 5 calls/ minute up to a maximum of 100 calls/ week for any API.

  • Unlimited Package - Subscribers can make as many calls as they wish per minute or in a week with no upper limit defined. This package will have to be approved by our system administrator and make time.

API Request
Input Parameters




    It’s an optional input. We currently support output for API’s in two formats Json and XML. You will be required to specify in which format you need response, default is Json.


    This is a mandatory input. Layer names that can be passed to this method are, "regions", "cities", "districts", "streets", and "zipcodes". Kindly make sure that the layer names are passed as it is. 

Feature Id

    Id of the selected feature.

Subscription Key

    Access token to authenticate you as a valid user of the system. Please refer to profile section to get your subscription key.

Requested URL


Default Fields Returned

By default, only the following fields are returned for a profile request:




    This represents success or failure of the request itself (true/false).

Status Description

    This provides a description of the current status, validation messages or error messages, if any.


    MinX  of the extents.


    MinY of the extents.


    MaxX of the extents.


    MaxY of the extents.

Sample Response 

{ "success": true, "datasetOrdatatable": null, "result": null, "statusdescription": "SUCCESS", "fullexception": null, "minx": "42.09029679", "miny": "19.34008153", "maxx": "48.41239291", "maxy": "27.65513585" }


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?> <Extents xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi=""> <success>true</success> <statusdescription>SUCCESS</statusdescription> <minx>42.09029679</minx> <miny>19.34008153</miny> <maxx>48.41239291</maxx> <maxy>27.65513585</maxy> </Extents>


Common Errors

If there's an error with your API call, LinkedIn will return a HTTP status code along with a message detailing the error.

CodeDescriptionSolution400Bad RequestThe request was invalid, which is usually caused by a programming error. Ensure that the request is formatted correctly.401"Access denied due to invalid subscription key. Make sure you are subscribed to an API you are trying to call and provide the right key."Ensure that a valid access token is being used in your API call By catching 401 unauthorized exceptions in all your calls you'll provide the coverage you need in your application to handle expired tokens. It's good practice to design and develop your application in anticipation that with any request you could potentially have an invalid access token.403Total limit for calls for your subscription has been reached.You've reached the total limit of calls for web services. Based on your subscription type you have a defined number of calls which can be made. Please refer to “Products” section to know more about your subscription.404Page not foundThe endpoint or resource your application is trying to reach doesn't exist.500Internal Service ErrorThere was an application error on our server. Usually your request is valid but needs to be made at a later time.

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