• SANGC_OnExtentChanged: 

               Type: Event.

               Status: Not Active.

               Friendly Name: On Extent Changed.

               Description: An event which is triggered whenever the map extent is changed by a zoom or pan function.

               Input: None.

               Output: All parameters {description, type, format, preserved values}

               ·          minLong: (double), minimum extent longitude value in decimal degree.

               ·          minLat: (double), minimum extent latitude value in decimal degree.

·          maxLong: (double), maximum extent longitude value in decimal degree.

·          maxLat: (double), maximum extent latitude value in decimal degree.

·          zoomLevel: current map zoom level.

·          SANGC_OnMapLoaded:

Type: Event.

Status: Active.

Friendly Name: On Map Loaded.

Description: An event which is triggered whenever the map is been loaded to the viewer.    

Input: None.

Output: None.

·          SANGC_OnMouseClick:

Type: Event.

Status: Not Active.

Friendly Name: On Mouse Click.

Description: An event which is triggered whenever a mouse click is performed over the map.  

Input: None.

   Output: …(to be defined later).

·          SANGC_OnMouseDblClick:

Type: Event.            

Status: Not Active.

Friendly Name: On Mouse DblClick.

Description: An event which is triggered whenever a mouse double click is performed over the map.   

Input: None.

Output: None.

·          SANGC_OnMouseMove:

Type: Event.

Status: Not Active.

Friendly Name: On Mouse Move.

Description: An event which is triggered whenever a mouse double click is performed over the map.   

Input: None.

Output: None.

·          SANGC_OnMouseOut:

Type: Event. 

Status: No Active.

Friendly Name: On Mouse out.

Description: An event which is triggered whenever a cursor is moved outside the map.

Input: None.


·          SANGC_OnMapResize:

Type: Event. 

Status: Not Active.

Friendly Name: On Map Resize.

Description: An event which is triggered whenever the map is resized.

Input: None.   

Output: None.

·          SANGC_OnIdentify:

Type: Event. 

Status: Not Active.

Friendly Name: On Identify.

Description: An event which is triggered whenever a

Parcel is retrieved from the map.

Input: None.        

Output: aFeatureID,aLable,minLong,minLat, maxLong, maxLat.

·          SANGC_OnMarkerDeleted:

Type: Event.

Status: Active.

Friendly Name: On Marker Deleted.

Description: An event which is triggered whenever a

Marker is deleted from the map.

Input: None.


·         SANGC_OnMarkerUpdate:

Type: Event.

Status: Active.

Friendly Name: On Marker Deleted.

Description: An event which is triggered whenever a

Marker is updated.

Input: None.

Output: ID.

·         SANGC_OnMarkerClick:

Type: Event.

Status: Active.

Friendly Name: On Marker Click.

Description: An event which is triggered whenever a

Marker information is retrieved from the map .

Input: None.

Output: ID, Long, Lat, Text, Symbol, Size, Attributes.


·         SANGC_OnMarkerDbClick:

Type: Event.

Status: Not Active.

Friendly Name: On Marker double Click.

Description: An event which is triggered whenever a

Marker information is double clock from the map.

Input: None.

Output: None.

·         SANGC_ OnMarkerMouseMove:              

Type: Event.

Status: Not Active.

Friendly Name: On Marker Mouse Move.

Description: An event which is triggered whenever a mouse hovers over the marker.

Input: None.

Output: …(to be defined later).

·         SANGC_OnMarkerMouseLeave:              

Type: Event.

Status: Not Active.

Friendly Name: On Marker Mouse Leave.

Description: An event which is triggered whenever a cursor is moved outside the marker.

Input: None.


·         SANGC_LoadMapViewer:   

Type: Function.

Status: Active.

Friendly Name: Load Map Viewer.

Description: a function to load a map on the screen.


 alang: language " A/E".

 aproxy:"empty" or "URL"

 User key: if no proxy used.

Output: the map is loded.

·            SANGC_ZoomIn:       

Type: Function.

Status: Active.

Friendly Name: Zoom In.

Description: a function to zoom in the map ,Zoom will increase(if possible).

Input: None.

Output: None.

·            SANGC_ZoomOut:      

Type: Function.

Status: Active.

Friendly Name: Zoom Out.

Description: a function to zoom out the map, Zoom will decrease(if possible).

Input: None.

Output: the map.

·            SANGC_ZoomfullExtent:     

Type: Function.

Status: Active.

Friendly Name: Zoom full Extent.

Description: a function to zoom shown on high  scale full extent the map.

Input: None.

Output: None.

·         SANGC_ clearGraphics:       

Type: Function.

Status: Active.

Friendly Name: clear Graphics.

Description: a function to clear Graphics on the map .

Input: None.

Output: None.

·         SANGC_ fitBounds:      

Type: Function.

Status: Active.

Friendly Name: fit Bounds.

Description: a function to zoom map to a specified extent.


 minLong: minimum extent longitude value in decimal degree.

 minLat: minimum extent latitude value in decimal degree.

 maxLong: maximum extent longitude value in decimal degree

 maxLat: maximum extent latitude value in decimal degree.

Output: None.

·            SANGC_ getBounds:        

Type: Function.

Status: Active.

Friendly Name: get Bounds.

Description: a function to return a current map extent.

Input: None.

Output: None.

·         SANGC _ PanTO:         

Type: Function.

Status: Active.

Friendly Name: Pan To

Description: a function to move the map to aspecific location without changing zoom level.


  Long: extent longitude value in decimal degree

  Lat: extent latitude value in decimal degree.

Output: None.

·         SANGC_get Center:      

Type: Function.

Status: Active.

Friendly Name: get Center

Description: a function to return map center.

Input: None.

Output: long , lat.

·         SANGC_setZoom:    

Type: Function.

Status: Active.

Friendly Name: Set Zoom

Description: a function to select a Zoom a scale.

Input: scale.

Output: None.

·         SANGC_getzoom:    

Type: Function.

Status: Active.

Friendly Name: get Zoom

Description: a function to return the current map scale value.

Input: None.

Output: None.

·         SANGC_ ZoomToParcel:   

Type: Function.

Status: Active.

Friendly Name: Zoom To Parcel

Description: a function to zoom map to a specific  parcel location.


 a FeatureID:now this value=-1.

 aLable: text is showing on parcel.

 cLong: extent longitude value in decimal degree.

 cLat: extent latitude value in decimal degree.

aPinpointURL:URL for the user apin point.

Output: None

·         SANGC ZoomToParcel2:   

Type: Function.

Status: Active.

Friendly Name: a function to zoom map to a specific  parcel location.

Input: aFeatureID,aLable,minLong,minLat, maxLong, maxLat

Output: None

·         SANGC ZoomTostreet:    

Type: Function.

Status: Not Active.

Friendly Name: Zoom To street.

Description: a function to highlight and zoom to street.

Input: aFeatureID, aLable, minLong, minLat, maxLong, maxLat


·         SANGC Zoom To District:

Type: Function.

Status: Not  Active.

Friendly Name: Zoom To District.

Description: a function to hilight and zoom to District.

Input: aFeatureID, aLable, minLong, minLat, maxLong, maxLat

Output: District.

·         SANGC ZoomToZipcode:   

Type: Function.

Status: Not Active.

Friendly Name: Zoom To Zip code.

Description: a function to hilight and zoom to Zip code.

Input: aFeatureID, aLable, minLong, minLat, maxLong, maxLat.

Output: zipcode.

·         SANGC ShowServices:    

Type: Function.

Status: Active.

Friendly Name: Show Services.

Description: a function to show or hide services on map.

Input: show (T or F).

Output: None.

·         SANGC Refresh:    

Type: Function.

Status: Active.

Friendly Name: Refresh.

Description: a function to refresh a map.

Input: None.    

Output: None.

·         SANGC ShowMarkers:

Type: Function.

Status: Active.

Friendly Name: Show Markers.

Description: a function to Show or hide Markers on map.

Input: show(T/F).   

Output: None.

·         SANGC AddMarker:  

Type: Function.

Status: Active.

Friendly Name: Add Marker.

Description: a function to add marker on map.


Output: None.

·         SANGC DeleteMarker:    

Type: Function.

Status: Active. 

Friendly Name: Delete Marker.

Description: a function to delete a marker from map.

Input: ID.

Output: None.

·         SANGC MoveMarkerTo:    

Type: Function.

Status: Active. 

Friendly Name: Move Marker To.

Description: a function to move a marker on map without change in attributes.

Input: ID, Lat (new), Long (new).

Output: None.

·         SANGC UpdateMarker:    

Type: Function.

Status: Active. 

Friendly Name: Update Marker.

Description: a function to update a marker on map.

Input: ID, new Attributes.

Output: None.

·         SANGC CleanMarkerLayer:

Type: Function.

Status: Active. 

Friendly Name: Clean Marker Layer.

Description: a function to Clean the Marker Layer on map (delete all markers from the map).

Input: None.   

Output: None.

·         SANGC RefreshMarkerLayer:   

Type: Function.     

Status: Active. 

Friendly Name: Refresh Marker Layer.

Description: a function to refresh the Marker Layer on map.

Input: None.   

Output: None.

·         SANGC AddaMarkerSymbol:

Type: Function.     

Status: Active. 

Friendly Name: Add a Marker Symbol.

Description: a function to add a Marker Symbol on map.

Input: Symbol, aImgPath.  

Output: None.  

·         SANGC ChangeaMarkerSymbol:  

Type: Function.     

Status: Active.     

Friendly Name: Change a Marker Symbol.

Description: a function to change a Marker Symbol on map.

Input:   aIndx, Symbol.   

Output: None.  

·         SANGC SearchForAnAddress:   

Type: Function.     

Status: Active.     

Friendly Name: Search For An Address.

Description: a function to search an address on the map.

Input: aInfo.  

Output: address.

·         SANGC SearchForAService:    

Type: Function.     

Status: Active.     

Friendly Name: Search For AService.

Description: a function to search for aservice on the map.

Input: (to be defined later).       


·         SANGC SearchForNearestService:    

Type : Function.          

Status: Active.     

Friendly Name: Search For Nearest Service.

Description: a function to search for a nearest service on the map.

Input: …(to be defined later).      

Output: None.  

·         SANGC SearchByCoordinate:   

Type: Function.     

Status: Active.     

Friendly Name: Search By Coordinate.

Description: a function to search by coordinates of parcel.

Input: long, lat.              

Output: None.  

·         SANGC LookupsGetRegions:    

Type: Function.     

Status: Active.     

Friendly Name: Look ups Get Regions

Description: a function to get look up list to Regions.                 

Input: None.                   

Output: None.       

·         SANGC LookupsGetCities:

Type: Function.     

Status:  Active.    

Friendly Name: Look ups Get Cities.

Description: a function to get look up list to Cities.

Input: a RegionID.             

Output: None.  

·         SANGC LookupsGetDistricts:  

Type: Function.     

Status: Active.     

Friendly Name: Look ups Get Districts.

Description: a function to get look up list to districts.             

Input: City id.                

Output: None.  

·         Alert :

1011: invalid key.

1012: Contract Data Expired.

1013: Reached Daily Limit.

1014: Reached Monthly Limit.

1021: Database Error from Client Validation.

1062: Database Error in General.

1091: Unknown Error.

1063: Dta Set Error.

1064: Data table Error.

1065: invalid Input.


























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